I think it is important that every person in the world be treated equally.
I want justice for everybody, even people I don’t know.

The Justice attribute is espoused by people who have a strong moral compass and a desire to care for people from all walks of life. They would like everyone to have the same status with regard to civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights and equal access to goods and services. It’s not so much whether we are getting what we deserve, but whether we get what we deserve when compared with others. This is where gender, race, age, sexual orientation, origin, caste or class, income or property, language, religion, convictions, opinions, health or disability do not result in unequal treatment or unequal opportunities.

Fairness is the touchstone for Justice espousers. They feel committed to a vision where we treat everyone fairly, with compassion and respect, so that everyone has the opportunity to get a fair share of the good things in life. Reinforcing this passion is their belief that the world economy is a fundamentally unjust mechanism, with many example of goods, services and opportunities not being distributed fairly.

Justice espousers find it difficult to defend the differences between the developed and developing world, and feel uncomfortable when they think about poverty. And it is very clear that such people dream of all people being equal throughout the world, not just in their country or their local community. For example, they believe that wealthier individuals and countries should feel obligated to reduce the economic differences between nations, especially helping the poorest people out of poverty.

This nurtured sense of the bigger picture for the world’s population also leads to a greater awareness of the need to take care of nature and the global environment. There is also an implicit recognition that there is not one way, or one answer to these difficult issues, so Justice espousers also support and encourage the need to learn from other cultures and countries. In fact, it is a core part of their personal philosophy to listen to diverse points of view, even if they disagree with some perspectives. This helps them to get a better understanding of the world and a richer understanding of their own values and beliefs. Practicing what they preach, they are more than likely to be living in a very diverse community, with neighbours from different races and social backgrounds living nearby.

Traditional measures of personal success are a very low priority in comparison with their other ideal goals, but this is not about wearing a hair shirt. Both men and women equally prefer collective measures, where everyone rises with the tide and nobody is left behind. The strongest followers tend to be older, but still working, so they have had time to synthesise the many viewpoints heard over the years, and still feel that they have time do something about changing the world and making it a better, fairer place to live.


Using Justice

Demographic Skews:

1) Over indexed: 45-54

2) Under indexed: Very slightly mid market.

Justice espousers also espouse other attributes. The top five most highly correlated attributes of Justice espousers are, in order of the strength of relationship:

1) Openness
2) Nature
3) Poverty aware
4) Global
5) Caring

In total those who espouse Justice also over index significantly on 34 other Attributes.

If "Justice" (or the associated attributes) are important to you and you would like to delve more deeply, contact us at mail@cultdyn.co.uk