It is important to me to take pride in British history and traditions.
I am proud to be British.

National Pride is a core Settler Attribute. This is true in all countries and cultures around the world. The more Pioneers and Prospectors there are in a society the less there are espousers of this values orientation. In the UK this is directly correlated with age: the older are more likely to espouse it than younger age groups. It does not differentiate by gender or class.

This perspective on life is complex and not the simple jingoism of ‘my country, right or wrong’. The first thing of note is that it correlates very highly with a desire for a strong force for national security, to protect this heritage and history. There is also a degree of fear and concern for the future. National Pride espousers want to ensure that domestic social order is maintained. It is clear that these are the types of biases that shade perceptions to see dangers like ‘terrorism’ as inherent in non-white faces in public places. Pride and fear go hand in hand.

This pride, and fear of loss of it, also translates to other areas of life. Foremost among these is support for strong reactions to crime. Punishment rather than rehabilitation is more favoured when thinking about criminal sentences. They also believe that criminality can be prevented if children have strict discipline.

Their beliefs and opinions about the role of the traditional family are also a function of this sensibility. In their version of tradition, people should be married if they want to have families and the family should stay together, even if the parents don’t get along, for the sake of the children.

Children raised in this type of family and holding these values will be expected to be deferential to those in authority – to look up to their ‘elders and betters’. This is also part of upholding tradition - by doing things the way they were done in past. Respect your elders and no talking back, do as you’re told and know your place.

This is the type of values Attribute that is rejected by the young and supported by the older generation – as the demographics attest.

To the younger generation this can seem joyless - a sort of hanging onto a dream that isn’t worth hanging onto, a harkening back to a past that may or not have happened. A romantic version of the past, ‘when Britain was Great’ and people knew their place.

Surprisingly enough the espousers of National Pride do not agree with this point of view. They see themselves as the caretakers of the best of British. Believing in the Britain that stood up for others in the framing of many democratic institutions and organisations from Magna Carta onwards, they are happy when they see stories of others’ achievements in a free society, or experience those achievements through their friends and neighbours in their local communities. In many ways they are more excited by others’ success than their own.

This form of Joyness seems at odds with the fear and pride and the prescriptive forms of discipline espoused by these people. This is complex, but understandable. National Pride espousers believe that the benefit of strict rules and their enforcement leads to situations in which others can achieve great things that can be celebrated, and that can join the long series of their country’s achievements – and that this leads to circumstances in which they can enjoy and celebrate the success of the other people. These are the people who hang up the national flag when their representative wins an Olympic or World Title, even though they know nothing about or care nothing about the sport or event itself.


Using National Pride

Demographic Skews:

1) Over-indexed: Over 55.

2) Under-indexed: Under 45.

National Pride espousers also espouse other Attributes. The top five most highly correlated Attributes of National Pride espousers are, in order of the strength of relationship:

1) National Security
2) Discipline
3) Deference
4) Joyness
5) Traditional Family

In total those who espouse National Pride also over-index significantly on 37 other Attributes.

If "National Pride" (or the associated attributes) are important to you and you would like to delve more deeply, contact us at